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 Blooming Stars

Grappling with Life

            Life is very short. It is like a bubble in a stream; it is there momentarily; we are pilgrims at a way station with our luggage/belongings; our sojourn is brief; even ninety or a hundred years pass quickly. We are sometimes in a little boat buffeted and tossed about by storms in a turbulent ocean; but we do have shining star/s in the sky beckoning us to the shore. We need to live each day as if it is our last day. Spiritual guides have suggested that we look at our life from the perspective of eternity; that we look at our whole life from the last moments in our coffin. In our last moment if we were given a chance to live our life all over again, how would we live?

            One who has not come to terms with his/herown death and finality has not started really living. Morbid introspection on death is not what is suggested, but a real grappling with life in its own terms. We have to play the hands we are dealt; we have to bloom where we are planted or happen to be. That is why changing what can be and needs to be changed before it is too late is so very important. One is ever ready for any eventuality. One has come to terms with one's past. One embraces one's whole past; no unfinished business. One lives purposefully in the here and now embracing and enjoying life fully with love, hope, and faith. One experiences real calmness, serenity, inner peace.

            In a world of enormous stress, suffering, and pain caused by various diseases, natural catastrophes, crimes, terrorism, human greed, power struggle for domination, and wars, what is most needed is compassionate relating. Understanding coming from empathic listening paves the way for compassionate relating. We may not be able to provide material help or expertise; but there is no one who will not be able to relate to another human being with love and compassion. What the world needs most is compassionate relating so a great deal of suffering caused by humans can be avoided. Training in compassionate relating needs to be given priority in every school curriculum everywhere.


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